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2019-10-24 08:10:33




                                                          ——采访精粹 Interview






Nuno Marques


Portuguese Football Federation Coac


In my opinion, both Chinese people and Portuguese people have passion for football. However, the most different is that Portuguese are proud of football. For football, business promotion and financial support are important, but focusing on technical resources are also very important. At present we already have financial support, the thing we need to do is to improve technical points. Set competition between all ages to test what they have learned and show their talents. I believe in the future, Chinese people will also be proud of football. In my course, at the very beginning, not all my students are interested in football. But besides football, they could learn English in the course and they will focus on learning. After more touch with football, they could learn other values, such as team work, discipline, releasing pressure and other things beyond football. Actually, in Portugal, the aim of playing football is not to become a professional football player but to relax ourselves and learn other values from football.






Fabio Pombo


Chef of Casa Lisboa Restaurant


Actually, Chinese people are not familiar with Portuguese food, because Portuguese restaurant is not common in China. In china, except HK and Macau, it’s hard to find Portuguese restaurant. As far as I know, there are some famous Portuguese restaurant in Shanghai and I also hope that in the future we could see more Portuguese restaurant in Guangdong to help more people know about Portuguese food. Besides, for promotion, holding events like symposium, to help people aware of Portuguese food and to feel how good it is. It is my first time to attend the symposium. It is well organized, have nice speakers and it provides a better communication platform.






Dario Silva


The founding member of the CICPC


In the wine tasting, some people say the port wine is too sweet. It is because the grape sugar is still inside the wine. The fresher, the sweeter it will be. If it is cool, it will be less sweet. Drinking 6ml por wine every day, it doses good to our health and the queen of England has keep doing for many years. Secondly, it is good for beauty because the ingredients of the port wine do good of skin care. Foshan Open is a great tournament and have very special in South China As the sponsor of Foshan Open again this year, it is a great opportunity for me to be a part of it.






Tomorrow will release Foshan Open Ladies Day at Canton International House as the second day of 2019 Foshan Open Culture & Industry Symposium. Ladies Day is a new trial and inspiring communication that General Manager of Foshan Golf Club Mr. Julian Small will explain its history. Also, more ladies will share in the day including British Consul-General Jo Harley for the British fashion, lifestyle, travel and education, President of Foshan Area of Mrs. Globe Hongyu Han for women wellness and various ladies’ activities awaiting to unveil.



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